Wednesday 1 October 2014

Camellia cutting experiment

A large old Camellia outside the cottage was cut down. It was starting to look tired and past it's prime so Cindy made the decision to remove it and make way for something fresh and new.
However, before the plant remains were taken away we took some cuttings... :)

Apparently Camellia's grow well from cuttings with good success rates, so I thought i'd try a little experiment to see what conditions the cuttings will grow best in.
One sample I put on the heated bench in glass house 1 with the misters,
and the second sample I put in Shade House 6, with no heating and manual watering.
The race is on!

I'll report my findings when they have rooted. I spoke to Karl and he said that Camellia cuttings either grow straight away or they callous over and don't initially do anything, but if you cut off the callous and re-pot the cutting they will grow. So I will try this when my two batches are ready to pot up.

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