Wednesday 1 October 2014

Setting begonia tubers

It's mid-winter and the begonia tubers have already been taken out of last seasons pots, cleaned and sterilized. They were separated into different containers according to their future use;
'General' for display in the Begonia House, 
'Baskets', for hanging baskets, 
'Pollinators' those with good characteristics worth breeding,
'Seedlings' last years seeds that will be too small for display this year. 
Not forgetting 'Cindy's special reds'!! A gorgeous big, deep red flower that Cindy bred last year :)

Each begonia tuber was bagged individually so that the label
did not get separated from it's tuber during the sterilizing process.

I forgot to take photos of the process. Basically, line a tray
with 2 sheets of newspaper, then fill with begonia mix
(60:40 peat:pumice). Press in the tubers so that they are flush
with the soil level, stick the label behind each.
Sprinkle with enough soil to slightly cover, then water
in well so that the top layer of soil washing off exposing
the top of the tuber but sealing in round the edges.

Leave in a warm greenhouse (indirect light) and after a
few weeks we have sprouts!

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