Sunday 5 October 2014

Making hanging baskets

Every spring new baskets need to be made up for the new seasons hanging baskets for the Begonia House. We use wire baskets packed with Sphagnum moss to retain moisture.

Here's how to make them...
Get a small handful of moss strands and poke it into and
over the top wire. Keep doing this and pack it it really
tight, squeezing the moss into shape to form a
firm rim.
When then rim is finished pack the base and side of the
basket from the inside with moss. Make sure there are no
gaps for soils to fall through. Give the moss a light trim
to neaten it up.

Start to add soil forming a bowl shape - this will help
when watering so that it doesn't run off. Use your fist to firm
the soil into the sides.
Add the hanging arms and make sure they are secure.

Put in the plants around the edges of the baskets, leaning
them out slightly to encourage them to drape over the sides.
Water them in and leave to grow on until ready for display.

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