Tuesday 30 September 2014

Amorphophallus tuber re-potting

The bulbs from previous season have been dormant over winter and it is time to re-pot them ready for spring. They will go into the same size pots but with fresh soil.

Old pot
Tip out contents and collect all the tubers.
Over the last growing season they have grown
  small tubers on the side so these all need
to be collected as well.

They need to be cleaned to remove old soil and
checked over for weevils and caterpillars.
I used a dibber and brush.
Fill a pot with new mix (60:40 pumice-soil) to
about 5cm below the rim.
Press in the tubers and arrange them with
eyes facing up.

Add a thin layer of soil over the top to cover them.
Water them in and leave to grow.

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